Meteobridge VM on PROXMOX

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When there is a PROXMOX VE installed on your machine you can use the Meteobridge VM raw image (used for KVM) to setup a Meteobridge within your PROXMOX VE.

First setp is to create a new Meteobridge VM within your PROXMOX environment.

  • Direct your browser to the PROXMOX Web GUI and press "Create VM" button.
  • Insert "Meteobridge" as the name of the new VM and notice the VM ID (here "100") as you will need this later on to generate a disk image for this specific VM.
  • Goto "OS" tab and select "Do not use any media" and "Guest OS" type as "Other".
    Pm2.png    Pm3.png
  • Goto "Memory" tab and insert 256 MB as memory size. This is good enough for Meteobridge and it will not benefit from more.
  • Settings on the other tabs can stay at default values. Goto "Confirm" tab to check that all settings are like in the example below. Then press "Finish".
    Pm4.png    Pm5.png
  • As a result a new VM named "Meteobridge" with an VM ID (here "100") is created. You may need to click onto the "pve" row to make the newly created VM visible.

Now it is time to attach the Meteobridge image file to the created VM.

  • First step is to bring the Meteobridge Image onto your PROXMOX VE. We recommend to login via SSH on the PROXMOX VE as root user and then to download the Meteobridge raw image via wget on the command line.
wget -O meteobridge.img.gz
  • The downloaded compressed image needs to be uncompressed. This will take some time and results into a 16GB image file.
gunzip meteobridge.img.gz
  • Next step is to make the disk image available for your Meteobridge VM. You do that by issuing the following command:
qm disk import 100 meteobridge.img local-lvm -format raw
  • PROXMOX will create the new disk and it will be named "unused0:local-lvm:vm-100-disk-1" or alike.

Now you can leave the command line and continue setup with the Web GUI.

  • Select "Hardware" section of the Meteobridge VM. You will see an "Unused Disk 0" which is exactly the one just created on the command line.
  • Double click on the "Unused Disk" entry and you will see disk details. Click onto "Add" to add this disk to your Meteobridge VM.
  • As a result two disks will appear being attached to your Meteobridge VM.
  • Select the disk "ide0" (which has been initially added to the Meteobridge VM as default) and detach this disk by clicking the "Detach" button.
  • PROXMOX will ask you to confirm this operation, Press "Yes".
  • Having done so the Meteobridge VM now only has one disk attached, the one you have imported by your command line interaction. Next step is to change the boot order. You can do that at the menu entry "Options". Double click "Boot Order" to apply changes
  • Make sure that only "ide1" is enabled for boot and press "OK".
  • Check in the overview that boot order settings have been applied correctly.
  • Now select "Console" operation and press "Start". Meteobridge VM will start into GRUB and will boot a few seconds later.
  • When boot has finished you will see the hint in the log that Meteobridge is now operational and it will also tell you the IP where to access the Web GUI of Meteobridge.
  • Now you can direct your browser to this IP to start working with Meteobridge. HTTP default user is "meteobridge" and password is "meteobridge" too.